Tuesday 25 December 2012

kursus sambil berjalan...?
or berjalan sambil kursus...?
such a waste of my time.
nak kursus, fokus je la nak kursus.
consider la orang lain yang memang betul nak kursus.
and lagi pulak, kesian cikgu, dah penat2 datang ajar, peserta tak fokus.
orang lain kena tinggalkan family untuk datang kursus.
tapi KORANG bawak family datang kursus!!!
pastu guna duit organizer bayar makan minum and hotel KORANG!!!
janganlah di ajar anak2 guna duit cara haram gini!
tu duit orang-orang koperasi! KORANG bagi anak2 makan, minum, jadi darah daging, guna duit orang.
susah betul bangun pagi ni.
so tired rasanya.
tak duk umah lebih 1 minggu dah.
everyday ade aje kena kuar umah.
sampai rasanya nak beribadat pun susah betul.
tapi pagi tadi dalam kereta, ust. zahazan kata,
ada umat nabi diuji sampai kena digergaji dari kepala sampai ke bawah, hingga terbelah dua badannya, tapi masih kekal beriman.
ni baru tak cukup rehat dan tidur, dah malas nak beribadat.

Thursday 22 November 2012

this year, too many deaths...
all too sudden deaths...
all so young...

a friend's son - 18 years old...
a cousin's daughter - 3 years old...
a colleague's daughter - 20 years old...

in time...in time...

Thursday 11 October 2012

Anne de'Echevarria & Ian Patience: teaching thinking (2008)

Levels of thinking according to (1950's Benjamin) Bloom's  hierarchical taxonomy.
Categories of thinking skills according to non-hierarchical PRICE.
6 principles for teaching thinking - active, meaningful, challenging, collaborative, mediated and reflective.

Sunday 7 October 2012

Dr. V. Kurien

wow! Dr. Verghese Kurien. i salute him. His daughter said of him, quoted from Nelson Mandela's autobiographical book, "...if there is a person with a very good heart and a very good mind, the combination is unsurpassable. And i think my father have both...".

what has he done?
he made AMUL what it is today, the leading brand of dairy products in India, the largest milk producer in the world, more than that produced by New Zealand. He believed that he HAS TO SERVE those paying his salary, and that is the farmers! the farmers paid his salary. so he has to serve them, not profit, not anyone else. He also HAS TO SERVE his state, his country. His education was sponsored by the British, so he has to serve the British, but the British passed him over to serve his country. So he did. He was sent by the Indian Government to a small village to take care of the farmers there. So he did.

He was not alone in his journey. His so called mentor, Tribhuvandas, a father figure, showed him the right spirit. And then there was his study buddy back when they were both studying in America, a milk technologist. Marvelous combination! And not forgetting, his wife, Mdm. Molly Kurien who played a great role of keeping him healthy. and of course his daugther, his grandson, all played a role, of helping him be the father and grandfather that he is, a whole person. A good man, who loves his job, who loves his people, his country and his family.

he dislikes bureaucracy. AMUL has no bureaucracy. The people, the farmers take care of themselves in AMUL. The farmers, and of course the consumers, benefited from AMUL. AMUL's products are of good quality and cheap in price. AMUL is not doing business for profit. It is doing business to benefit the farmers and the consumers.

He dislikes foreign investments. foreign people will only invest in a country, if they think they will get more from the country that they invested in. if they want to invest in the milk industry in India, why should the indians let them. According to him, "we are doing a better job than them." it is helping our nation, if the people do it themselves.

wow again! wish there were many people like this on earth. so inspiring!

Wednesday 3 October 2012

kursus koperasi di langkawi

tujuan ke langkawi bukan untuk kursus, tetapi untuk shopping.
just because penganjur sponsor penginapan & makan-minum, tu yang ramai ikut kursus.
dalam kelas, tak tahu la betul dengar ke tidak, betul belajar ke tidak.
but i heard a few bagitau penceramah, they learned a lot, they really don't know much about co-op and were very thankful for the sharing of knowledge.
and one in particular marah kursus dipendekkan mengikut kehendak peserta-peserta lain nak pergi shopping.
all i can say, kursus koperasi di langkawi will remain like this. tujuan utama adalah shopping. berkursus, probably come second, or none at all.

Sunday 9 September 2012

Thomas Crum: three deep breaths (2006)

Breathe...in through the nose, and out through the nose. Feel the stomach rise up and down.

the first breath, is to calm yourself, see your surroundings, to ground yourself with reality.
the second breath, is to see the bigger picture, the reason for living, think of the positive things, the best of yourself.
the third breath, is to yield and merge, to plan your action, to consider others' outlook.

Good and easy read. Don't forget to breathe!